Coming Soon – Cold Pressed Organic Juices


We will soon be launched our new product range, Cold pressed organic juices. These are really useful to store at home or work in the fridge for whenever you want to enjoy. They can also be frozen if you want to preserve them for longer periods of time. Our juices are perfect for juice cleansing as we will be selling these in large bulk quantities if you want to.Unlike many commercial juices these are cold pressed meaning that they have never been pasteurised and are 100% completely raw.

They will also be available to white label and wholesale customers. Our juices would be a perfect addition to a chilled drinks range at your cafe or restaurant. We have four different varieties for you and your customers to try; Vitalizer, Zinger, Sweet Green, and Green Goodness. This wide range offers something for everyone and adds variety to those undergoing a juice cleanse.